A lot goes into spill response and effective truck accident recovery. Pro-Enviro is dispatched when there is a motor vehicle fuel or oil spill, or when a load containing other hazardous material is lost on the road. In these blog archives, you’ll discover what is entailed with spill recovery. It includes assessment, creating a complete heavy vehicle accident management plan, and then getting to work with spill containment, collection, disposal and remediation.
In many cases, our team at Pro-Tow 24 Hour Towing is on the job too. Pro-Tow uses wrecker style cranes to help with the heavy lifting to get the accident site cleaned up so we can open it back up to local traffic. We also work alongside local agencies like the Washington State Police and Fire Departments, and the Washington Department of Transportation. If you want more information about what we do, contact us any time.
2021-06-26: Jersey Leaker – Fuel Spill Response for a 150 Gallon Spill
On June 6, 2021, an accident involving a semi-tractor trailer needed an extensive fuel spill response. When Team Pro-Enviro got there, we connected with the Department of Ecology to properly assess the spill cleanup. First, would apply an absorbent on the paved area to soak up the fuel and stop any additional contaminants from leaking into the soil.
2021-05-30: Fuel Spill Cleanup for Hardware Store Leaker
In this incident, on May 30th, 2021, A semi-truck and trailer driving through a local building and supply store parking lot left a huge mess when it leaked diesel fuel. The leaking truck left a stream of diesel along the front of the building. The stream of fuel extended through the parking lot, the drive and down the street.
2021-02-26: Saved the Cow – Frozen Beef Load Recovery
On February 26th, 2021, In this load recovery incident, we received a call from a customer on the WB I-90 exit 47 with a damaged trailer and impacted fuel lines. He explained his snow chain snapping caused the damage. Approximately 10-20 gallons of fuel were leaking on the roadway. On top of that, he was carrying a 38,000 lb load of expensive frozen beef. All-around speedy recovery was in order.
2021-03-04: Cargo Recovery – Saving Paper Rolls in Pacific
A damaged trailer loaded with expensive paper rolls needed a cargo recovery service. Team Pro-Enviro came in to unload the rolls before the rain got in and damaged them. A tarp was placed on the damaged end of the trailer to keep the water out. Then our team got to work with a forklift to remove the load efficiently.
Kent Spill Response For 30 Gallons Of Diesel
We received a request for a cleanup on the corner of W. Valley Hwy and S. 277th Street in Kent, WA. A tractor that had spilled 30 gallons of diesel into the ditch. Our team responded with an Environmental Spill Response Vehicle, class E-truck equipped with a mobile evacuator trailer, spill barrels, and other necessary equipment.
2021-08-04: Spill Cleanup in Spokane
Team Pro-Enviro often gets called to help with accidents when a spill is involved, and cleanup is in order. Whether big or small, we can handle any job. We can also help with spills off the road and in the shop.