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Auburn, WA

Suite C, 420 H St NW
Auburn, WA 98001

Maple Valley, WA

Suite C, 23933 SE 264th Street
Maple Valley, WA 98038

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Suite C, 5815 W Thorpe Rd
Spokane, WA 99224


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Auburn, WA

Suite C, 420 H St NW
Auburn, WA 98001

Maple Valley, WA

Suite C, 23933 SE 264th Street
Maple Valley, WA 98038

Spokane, WA

Suite C, 5815 W Thorpe Rd
Spokane, WA 99224

2024-10-16: Types of Roadside Spill Recovery and the Environmental Impact

Even minor or single-vehicle accidents potentially require roadside spill recovery. Unfortunately, the common fluids that keep our vehicles running are also hazardous to the environment. Fluids like gasoline, oil, or coolant, for example, affect everything from soil to water and, therefore, any humans or wildlife in contact with the water or soil. While these are more common, they are not the only reason to need a hazardous spill cleanup crew.

Oil, Fuel and Vehicle Fluids

Motor oil and gasoline are among the more common hazardous spills that occur during vehicle accidents. Other fluids that can pose an immediate risk to the environment include coolants or antifreeze, brake fluids, and any other oils or lubricants in the vehicle. Whether the spill is small and from individual vehicles or much larger from the transport of these fluids, Pro-Enviro has the tools, training, and equipment to handle the hazardous spill.

Hazardous Waste or Materials

Those larger jobs that Pro-Enviro is often tasked with involve hazardous spills from cargo. Many trucks on the highways transport hazardous wastes, materials, or more gasoline and oil. Accidents involving these types of cargo can have fast and lasting environmental effects.

Our team focuses on a detailed and multi-step process for comprehensive roadside spill recovery. In addition to recovering materials as quickly and safely as possible, we work to contain the spill, collect and dispose of the hazardous materials, and restore the spill site.


Spill cleanup is not always required for hazardous materials or fluids like gasoline and oil. In other cases, an accident will require spill cleanup for physical cargo. And even when the cargo or materials aren’t considered hazardous to handle or directly hazardous to the environment, they may still disrupt it.

Cargo could land in natural habitats, pollute water over time, or affect wildlife in other ways. That is why even when hazardous materials aren’t present, Team Pro-Enviro works quickly and efficiently on roadside spill recovery. We provide full cargo and load services to assist any type of cargo spills off a trailer or from a container.

Count on Pro-Enviro for Spill Cleanup

When these unfortunate and unforeseen accidents occur, Pro-Enviro is here to help with 24-hour-a-day spill recovery and response. We closely follow and comply with local legislation, the Waste Manifesto DEO, and the EPA. Our team work with local enforcement agencies to ensure speedy, safe, and complete hazardous spill cleanup.

At Pro-Enviro, we understand the importance of a swift and effective response to truck accident spills. Our team is dedicated to protecting the environment and ensuring public safety through comprehensive spill response services. Want to learn more? Browse our blog!


